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TBS INTERNET - SSL certificates broker
Harica by TBS INTERNET - SSL certificates broker

Harica seal certificates

Compare the most important technical features of Harica seal certificates sold by TBS Internet:

Warning: Those certificates require the subscription form to be signed by the legal representative with an eIDAS qualified signature certificate.

Name Harica Advanced Seal Harica Qualified Seal on remote HSM Harica Qualified Seal on token
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Uses electronic signature Prodou@ne, documents dematerialization, electronic invoicing (1) electronic signature
Signed-PDF recognized by default in Acrobat Reader? -
Price £360 £464 £504
eIDAS: Type of signature Advanced qualified qualified
Access delivered in software format in SaaS mode via a simple API delivered on a cryptographic token
Standards ETSI EN 319 411-1, LCP ETSI EN 319 411-2, QCP-l+QSealCD ETSI EN 319 411-2, QCP-l+QSealCD
PSCe compliant - - -
EUTL compliant
Average delivery time (2) 5 business days 5 business days 7 business days
Money back guarantee - - -
Warranty 0 € 0 € 0 €
Data Sheet
further info
(1): See FAQ : eIDAS/RGS: Which certificate for your e-government processes? .
(2): Indicative delivery times that can be impacted by occasional disruptions. Consult the up-to-date situation of each supplier.
Sales department:
+44 330 684 0000

Certificats SSL Harica
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Our prices are in GBP VAT-less and order-time payment, see also our general sales terms.
Tél : +44 330 684 0000